The revolution of love

I remember I thought: “we will always be young”. In that festival hundreds of young people just like me dreamed of making the world a better place. We put flowers in our hair and danced to the sound of the music, letting ourselves get carried away. We wore the fragrance of freedom and we flowed with our emotions. And, without realizing it, the revolution of love was born.

The message of “peace and love” became our life philosophy. We believed in the magic of flowers, in the respect for all human beings, etched in our minds was the fact that we had to protect the Planet.

And while I travelled along the west coast of the USA at full speed, I felt that life accelerated to keep up with the pace of my van. The music led me along the long sunny roads, giving me golden skies and endless landscapes.

I left the most magnificent places I could ever imagine behind me. Each new city was a new opportunity, a new adventure, a new memory in my mind. Los Ángeles, San Francisco, San Diego... 

Each new city was a new opportunity to connect with other people who felt the same as I did: that life flows in colours, with new shapes. Through love.

And that is how the revolution began, with the beat of the music in our ears and the feeling that we were eternal.

Each new city was a new opportunity to connect with other people who felt the same as I did: that life flows in colours, with new shapes. Through love.

And that is how the revolution began, with the beat of the music in our ears and the feeling that we were eternal.

Because that is the greatest revolution of life: that of love.

Because that is the greatest revolution of life: that of love.

Peace & love

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